Most of us are two people -- work-me & personal-me. What if we took the best of what we do in each persona and applied it consistently? Bam. 💥 We'd be better family, friends and leaders. I wish I had learned this early in my career and I bet you can think of people you admire who do it well. Hope you can use this short doc to help you invest in the best you.
This happen to you? You find yourself across the table from your boss or employee. You chat about something benign or give a quick update on a hot project and, poof, -- a text comes in, someone walks up, you run up against another meeting...the moment is gone. It is common for employer/employee relationship dissatisfaction to come from being off-track with expectations or performance. Problem is the right conversations are not happening. Shouldn't we manage our interactions better? I learned to commit to a structured 1:1 process and I hope this quick guide helps you.